Friday, June 29, 2012

Liberty Lake Golf Tournament will support "Women & Children's Free Restaurant" in Spokane

The Women &Children's free restaurant and Community Kitchen is a vital safety net that fills nutritional gaps for women and children in need across our area. The key component is the WCFR provides service with dignity and respect both within the community and kitchen.

This mission statement is one the of the many good reasons The Washington Association of Landscapers decided to make the Women & Children's Free Restaurant the beneficicary of their golf tournament. I recently had a chance to talk with one of the chairs of the tournament, Derek Collett ,to find out why he's so passionate about this charity.

Q: Tell me your roll in the charity golf tournament?

A: Myself and Micah Leavitt are co-chairs of the WALP/WCFR Charity Golf Classic. Ourselves plus other committee members of Washington Association of Landscape professionals have worked to put together the team format, acquiring donation/auction items, and marketing of the event!

Q: How did you guys choose the WCFR?

A: We researched to find a 100% local charity with all proceeds to stay within the community. Through our research WCFR stood out. Because of their dedication to families in need we thought it was the perfect fit for what WALP wanted to do within the Spokane community.

Q: How can someone help WCFR if they may not want to golf?

A: We need donations for auction items. Donations can be a form of a product or service. All funds from the auction will be donated 100% to the WCFR. As a member of the community people can volunteer at the WCFR. Get on the website or give them a call.

Q: Are all the proceeds tax deductable?

A: All donations whether they are cash, product, or services are tax deductible. The WCFR are a non profit organization and you can contact me for the tax information.

Q: How can people get signed up for golf and and contribute to the auction?

A: People can contact me through phone or email for the sign up sheets for golf and auction items. or phone 991-4293.

Q: Tell us where it's going to be and little bit about the golf course?

A: This year the tournament will be held at the Liberty Lake Golf course. You get so many people that want to get involved with the golf tournament, and with this comes all skill levels. Liberty Lake is a fun course that can be enjoyable for all of the different players.

Q: How is the auction going to be set up, will there be a dinner with a silent and live auction?

A: There will be a dinner and silent auction held at the golf course. Auction items will be on display from Noon until 4 pm. Bids will close at 4 pm and the winners will be announced throughout the dinner ceremony.

Q: Tell me anything else you'd like people to know about this event.

A: WALP (Washington Association of Landscape Professionals) is committed to our community. Through charity events and donating our time and skills with community projects. We are licensed professionals dedicated to excellence in the work we provide and our community. That is why we wanted to partner with the WCFR. The WCFR serves nearly 38,000 meals each year. They offer in-house meals where a mother and her kids can come in and be seated and waited on in the restaurant. They also have a fresh market program that families in need are able to come to so that they can provide the kids with well balanced meals. Not only does the WCFR provide in-house meals, but they also regularly provide meals for Hope House, St. Margaret?s Shelter, Crosswalk and feed Cheney. They are also asked to help provide one time meals for special events. These requests come from Lutheran Community Services, SNAP, My Sisters Temple and the Breakfasts for the Homeless. WCFR is entrenched with our Spokane community and making a difference in it.

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